This service might be interesting for an private individual seeking for the EASA Senior examiner for assessment of competence for Class Rating Examiner with SEP(land) privileges.

 ⚠️ Who is CRE - SEP(land) ✈️

Class Rating Examiner for SEP(land) or CRE SEP(land) or simply CRE(SEP) is a certificate authorizes the holder to provide skill tests and proficiency check on single-engine class rating constituted in the EASA SEP(land) endorsement. 

Before obtaining the Class Rating Examiner Certificate for SEP(land) future examiner has to attend certain training driven by flight school or directly by competent authority. 

Once obtained, you will be allowed to let the pilots fly on single-engine aeroplane. Isn't that awesome? ❤️

Requirements ✅ for CRE - SEP(land)

Iaw FCL.1010.CRE, an applicant for an Class Rating Examiner certificate - CRE SEP(land) shall hold:

  • hold either commercial pilot license - CPL(A), multi-pilot license MPL(A) or airline transport pilot license ATPL(A) with single-pilot privileges or have held it and hold a PPL(A);
  • hold a Class Rating Instructor or Flight Instructor certificates with instructional privileges for the single-engine piston class rating - SEP(land);
  • have completed 500 hours of flight time as a pilot on aeroplanes.

SEP(land) Examiner training

The examiner training is called Examiner standardization and required by FCL.1015. An applicant for an Class Rating Examiner certificate shall undertake Class Rating Examiner standardisation course. The standardisation course consists of theoretical and practical instruction and usually includes following:

  • the conduct of 2 skill tests or proficiency checks for the SEP(land) class rating;
  • instruction on the applicable requirements in this part and the applicable air operations requirements, the conduct of skill tests or proficiency checks and their documentation and reporting;
  • a briefing on the national administrative procedures, requirements for protection of personal data, liability, accident insurance and fees.
  • a briefing on the need to review and apply the items when conducting skill tests or proficiency checks  of an applicant for which the competent authority is not the same that issued the Class Rating Examiner certificate; and
  • an instruction on how to get access to these national procedures and requirements of other competent authorities when needed.

The competent authority may provide the Class Rating Examiner course itself or through an arrangement with an ATO.

The course should last for the Class Rating Examiner, at least 3 days, divided into:

  • theoretical training (1 day) and
  • practical training conducting real or role-played SEP(land) proficiency checks or SEP(land) skill tests (at least 2 days).

The competent authority or ATO should determine any further training required before presenting the candidate for the examiner assessment of competence with Senior Examiner.

If the examiner privileges are to include the conduct of proficiency checks for the revalidation or renewal of an instrument rating, practical instruction should include the conduct of at least four instrument check profiles in the role of examiner. This training is conducted in the aircraft if approval for testing or checking in the aircraft is required. If examiner privileges in both FSTD and aircraft are required, at least one of the instrument check profiles should be conducted in an FSTD. The training includes:

  • briefing,
  • conduct of the skill test and proficiency check, assessment of the applicant to whom the test or check is given,
  • debriefing and recording or documentation under the supervision of an examiner of the appropriate category

Privileges of CRE - SEP(land) ✈️

In accordance with FCL.1005.CRE - the privileges of Class Rating Examiner CRE SEP(land) are to conduct, for single-pilot aeroplanes, except for single-pilot high performance complex aeroplanes:

  • skill tests for the issue of single-engine class rating - SEP(land);
  • proficiency checks for:
    • revalidation or renewal of single-engine class rating - SEP(land);
    • revalidation of instrument rating for single-engine aeroplanes, provided that they have completed at least 1500 hours as pilots of aeroplanes and have competed at least 450 hours of flight time under IFR;
    • renewal of instrument rating, provided that they comply with the requirements laid down in point FCL.1010.IRE(a);
    • revalidation and renewal of En route Instrument Rating, provided that they have completed at least 1 500 hours as a pilot on aeroplanes and comply with the requirements laid down in point FCL.1010.IRE(a)(2).
  • skill tests for the extension of LAPL(A) privileges to another class rating or variant of aeroplane.

Class Rating Examiner Assessment of competence

As required by FCL.1020 applicants for an Class Rating Examiner certificate shall demonstrate their competence to an inspector from the competent authority or a senior examiner specifically authorised to do so by the competent authority responsible for the Class Rating Examiner certificate through the conduct of a skill test or proficiency check in the Class Rating Examiner role for SEP(land) class rating, including:

  • briefing,
  • conduct of the skill test or proficiency check
  • assessment of the person to whom checkride is given,
  • debriefing and recording documentation.

Validity of Class Rating Examiner - SEP(land)

In. accordance with FCL.1025(a), Class Rating Examiner certificate is valid for 3 years. Examiner's certificate can be revalidated within 12 months immediately preceding the expiry date. If you are a holder of more than one category of examiner - e.g. you are holder of CRE SEP(land) and FE(A), all examiner privileges may be revalidated if you comply with the requirements laid down in points FCL.1020(b)(1) and FCL.1020(b)(2) and point FCL.1020 for one of the categories of examiner certificates held.

Examiner development process

EASA Flight examiner Roadmap (c) ProfiPilot Training and Milan MazanovskýDownload PDF