Assessment of competence ✈️ by a foreign EASA senior examiner

In accordance with FCL.1020 applicants for an examiner certificate shall demonstrate their competence to an inspector from the competent authority or a senior examiner specifically authorised to do so by the competent authority responsible for the examiner’s certificate through the conduct of a skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence in the examiner role for which privileges are sought, including briefing, conduct of the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence, and assessment of the person to whom the test, check or assessment is given, debriefing and recording documentation.

Senior Examiner has to be approved

So Senior Examiner can provide assessment of competence basically for any EASA examiner. However this assessment of competence has to be approved by both authorities:

  • authority responsible fo Senior examiner's certificate
  • authority responsible for the Examiner candidate's certificate